This site urges viewers to watch, participate, and be a star. At first I thought that was a load of bullocks. I just wanted to see some tits and ass and that was that. It’s totally free to sign up and there are obviously loads of hot amateur chicks here, so it was right up my alley. I was prepared to sit back with my cock in hand and watch them be the dirty little whores that they are deep down inside. But it wasn’t long before I was really getting into it and taking things to a whole new level.
Participation doesn’t have to mean that you are stripping in front of your own camera or fucking a girl for the world to see. It can mean you’re chatting with the models and letting them know what you like or giving them encouragement and telling them how hard they make your cock. It’s amazing to see how much they feed off of your energy and those words can actually influence the entire show. As it turns out when you get a free Amateur.TV account, you’re always in for way more fun than you bargained for.